Hi, my name is Lies Helsloot, Transformation Mentor but I like to call myself the world’s first TAKE YOU TIME-mentor. I was born on the 25th of March 1977 making me FAB over 40! I live in the tiny country of Belgium. I have one daughter, Gina, 17 years old and 2 adorable stepkids. I am married for the second time to my soulmate Dieter. If you are interested in my full bio you can always visit my personal webpage www.lieshelsloot.com
My work as a Transformation Mentor
As a Transformation Mentor I focus on holistic wellbeing to help career driven women eliminate the self-imposed stress, press PAUSE and RESET so their mental health, physical health and relationships can flourish.
I teach women about my principle of TAKE YOU TIME and that taking care of yourself FIRST is not a selfish thing to do but the only way you can be the best and only version of yourself and eventually the best caretaker for kids, friends, family, your partner and the best entrepreneur or employee. Without YOU there are no dreams and goals so taking care of the foundation of it all which is YOU is the FIRST thing to do.
I originally started this blog because I wanted to share my knowledge about healthy hair I gathered during my own journey to happy, healthy hair. Sixteen years ago my problems began: after I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, running a busy health food restaurant 6 days in 7, breastfeeding for 8 months and taking way too little time for myself my hair became dull, brittle and worst of all started falling out. I lost about 30% of my hair. Since I always used to be called “the girl with the long hair”, this was absolutely horrible. I went on a quest to get my beautiful, healthy hair back and created a powerful 3-step programme which I poured into a book called “The complete guide to healthy hair. A 3-step programme to heal your hair.” (available on amazon.com) Also available in Dutch under the title “Het complete boek over haar. In 3 stappen naar gezond haar.” (for sale at bol.com, standaard boekhandel and my own webshop). Later I created my own brand of hairbrushes Delphin & Emerence.
Through this book a new world opened up for me in which I was able to help a lot of women to make their hair healthy again and put a smile on their face. Because my first book and program was based on a 3-step approach that had general health-promoting effects, more and more women started asking me to help them with other problems such as: obesity, hormonal fluctuations, digestive problems, emotional blockages, loss of muscle mass and firmness,… This is when it all came together and when my years as a health chef in my restaurant, food blogger for various magazines and organisations, years of experience in classical ballet and freelance dance teaching and my many health workshops in Belgium were the ideal basis to use all my knowledge to create an all-round approach where I can help women on their way to a healthy lifestyle, a natural weight that you can easily achieve and maintain, more energy and especially a way to live life with a smile, intensely happy. This is when I decided to call myself a Transformation Mentor and the world’s first TAKE YOU TIME mentor. I realised that it all came back to one thing: TAKE YOU TIME. So many people and women in particular have so much difficulty taking care of themselves leading to exhaustion, burn-out, bore-out and health and weight problems. That’s where I come in to teach you to start with YOU FIRST.
If you follow me on facebook and instagram and subscribe to the newsletter I will keep you up to date with all the events and workshops I run. I often give free online workshops in my fb group @walkingfornaturalweightfreedom – if you are interested in that, join this group (do answer the 3 entry questions)!
Because one book wasn’t enough to collect all my health tips, I created this blog and in 2021 wrote the book “Walk Yourself Slim and Happy. How Taking More Steps Can Change Your Life.” (Bestseller – Also in Dutch “Wandel je slank en gelukkig”). Followed in 2022 with the book “Move yourself slim and happy” (in Dutch: Beweeg je slank en gelukkig) I blog about everything related to how to take more YOU time including hair, (healthy) beauty, natural health, how to reach your natural weight, the power of walking for mental and physical health and weight loss, healthy and tasty food based on the principles of proper food combinations, how your mindset can help you become healthy and happy, muscle strengthening exercises,… And while I’m doing that, a new book is brewing on my desk somewhere. It is my life mission to help you eliminate the self-imposed stress, press PAUSE and RESET so your mental health, physical health and relationships can flourish.
Would you like to know how you can work with? Then book a free discovery call. Send me an email via the contact pages and I will send you a scheduling link.
I believe it is my life’s mission to be here to inspire and help you. 🙏🏻❤️
Welcome to my blog!
Big heart hug,