Mr. Sandman bring me a dream: 7 tips for better sleep


Mr. Sandman bring me a dream: 7 tips for better sleep

In a previous article I talked about the fact that not getting enough quality sleep can wreak havoc on your skin and hair. But how can you easily drift a sleep?

I share 7 of my best tips with you:

  • Routine: a good idea when it comes down to sleeping and awakening. Every day try to go to sleep and wake-up at the same time. Even when you have been out to a party, getting up at the same time keeps your body in its normal routine.
  • A special herbal tea: Herbs like Valerian, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Chamomile and lavender are a delicious sip just before bedtime. You can buy ready made mixes on the market from brands like Yogi Tea (Bedtime Mix), Celestial Seasonings, Piramide, Jacob Hooy
  • Bach Rescue Night Spray: based on the principles of Dr. Bach and a very helpful remedy for sleep. Spray twice on the tongue about half an hour before bedtime and then take two more spritzes when you slide under the sheets.
  • Journal writing: Troubled and worried? Try writing about it in your journal. It helps to get your worries on paper. You are not going to solve any problems at night, in stead remember the phrase “sleep on it” and during your sleep your mind will work it out for you, waking up with the perfect solution.
  • Meditation: A good method to relax your mind and body. Just sit down, close your eyes and be still.
  • Tapping: Do a tapping exercise, a proven technique to relax you.
  • No sleep disturbers: Remove all sleep disturbers from your room: smartphones, light, tablets,… I know so many people who say they get disturbed by their smartphone at night. I then ask them why they take their phone to bed. So many of us think that being disconnected is the end of the world, well think again and change your addiction to the screen and choose to sleep and be well rested for a powerful, energetic day to come.

Wishing you all a good night!


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