Put your feet up!

Versie 4

What do I mean?

Putting your feet up after a long day to watch a movie from your comfortable seat is not what I mean with “put your feet up”. When I say that it means it is time to see the world upside down. It can be so relaxing and energizing to do a yoga head position. Since I suffer from neck problems due to a whiplash accident, I cannot perform a head stand the usual way. I always use a special bench for it, called …”Feet-uP”. You can find them on www.feetup.eu (if you use the promocodetakeyoutime‘ you get a 5 euro discount)

How to put your feet up

It is a nice way to relax my body, get the blood flow running and look at my life from another angle. A welcome advantage is not only that after doing it I have cosy warm feet because of improved blood circulation but it also brings oxygen and nutrient rich blood to my scalp, helping to grow healthy hair. As you can see in the picture in this blog, my face and chest are almost purple-red, indicating extra blood circulation to my head. Do it at least once a day and don’t overdo it in the beginning. Start with 20 seconds and then gradually work-up to a minute or more. As long as you are feeling comfortable, you are doing fine.

Healthy hair growth

Good circulation in your scalp is essential for healthy hair growth and it gives you a healthy rosy glow on your cheeks. What more does a girl want?


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