How do I stay motivated to maintain my healthy lifestyle if I don’t see immediate results?

How do I stay motivated to maintain my healthy lifestyle if I don't see immediate results?

How do I stay motivated to maintain my healthy lifestyle if I don’t see immediate results?

You enthusiastically started a health program or got started with one of my books “Walk yourself slim and happy” or “Move yourself slim and happy” (only in Dutch) and you took the first steps in implementing your new healthy lifestyle into your daily life. Maybe you changed your diet, started to exercise more and take the 15,000 steps from my method or subscribed to the gym. But then it happens: the results don’t show. The scale shows hardly any difference, your clothes are still the same, and you start having doubts. That naughty little devil on your shoulder calls to you: “Ah, stop that. Eat a bag of chips with an aperitif and have a good rest on the couch instead of going for a walk. It’s no use anyway.” You ask yourself the question: “How do I stay motivated to maintain my healthy lifestyle if I don’t see immediate results?”

So how do you still stay on your path and motivated to keep going, especially if you don’t see immediate results?

In this article, I want to give you some strategies and insights that can help you stay motivated even when it’s hard to see the results you so desire.

  1. Focus on the process, not just the result

One of the biggest pitfalls when starting a new healthy lifestyle is focusing too much on the end result. Whether it’s losing weight, getting fitter, tighter buttocks or increasing your energy levels, we want to see results quickly and preferably immediately. But real change takes time, and sometimes we don’t see those changes immediately in the mirror or on the scale.

Therefore, it is important to shift your focus from the end result to the process itself. Imagine taking small steps each day toward your goal. For example, instead of just looking at the number of pounds you’ve lost, be grateful for the fact that you’re making healthier choices every day, exercising more or getting a better night’s sleep. Often clients in my practice first notice a difference in their skin tone becoming fresher and have less puffy eyelids, for example, making them look a few years younger. I often hear that they then receive compliments from those around them even before they have lost a kilo.

Celebrating these small victories can keep your motivation high. Every step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

Another reason people often lose motivation is because they set unrealistic goals. It’s tempting to set yourself big, ambitious goals, such as “lose 10 pounds in a month” or “go to the gym every day” or “immediately take 15,000 steps every day when now you barely take 3,000 in a day.” But when these goals prove unattainable, it can lead to disappointment and discouragement, and often that’s your inner little devil talking negatively to you and prompting you to self-sabotage for not loving yourself.

Setting realistic goals is crucial. Start small. Maybe your first goal is to take an extra 2,000 steps a day instead of immediately aiming for that 15,000 in my method. Or maybe you want to start with muscle-strengthening exercises three times a week instead of every day. Sometimes it’s already a good idea to just roll out your gymnastics mat every day and do 1 exercise on it to get back in the flow. By making your goals achievable, you increase your confidence and love for yourself and the likelihood of success and keep you motivated to keep going.

  1. Be patient and have faith in the process

Change takes time, and that is especially true of adopting a new, healthy lifestyle. It can take weeks, sometimes even months, before you see significant results. Therefore, patience is an important trait to cultivate in yourself. In my own life, I trust in the power of God. He never lets you down, and all too often we forget in our much too fast-paced world that He is the source of strength we need and is always there when you allow Him into your heart.

Trust that the efforts you make today will pay off in the long run. It may help to remember that your health is a marathon, not a sprint. By staying patient and consistent, you will eventually see the results you are looking for.

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others

It’s easy to compare yourself to others, especially in an age when social media is full of “perfect” pictures of people seemingly effortlessly achieving their goals. But what you often don’t see is the hard work and time they invested to get there. I often get the comment that it’s easy for me… First of all: my buttocks are tight but there are quite a few cellulite bulges on them, mind you. And I didn’t get those firm muscles overnight. I have been working on my body daily all my life out of respect and love for myself.

So don’t compare yourself to others. Every body is different, and everyone has their own unique path to success. Instead, focus on your own progress and be proud of what you have accomplished, no matter how small it may seem.

  1. Use spiritual and visual aids

Some people find motivation in spiritual or visual aids. This can be as simple as an affirmation you repeat daily, or a vision board with pictures and words that remind you of your goals. These tools can help you stay focused and inspired, especially at times when you are struggling.

Every morning, for example, try pausing to think about your intentions for the day. What do you want to achieve? What are the steps you will take to get there? Taking time daily to clarify your goals will keep you more engaged in the process. I myself start my ask with a prayer and asking God to give me the strength to make good choices that day, and I thank Him for always being there for me.

  1. Work Together with Others

You don’t have to do it alone. Working with others can be a tremendous source of motivation. Find a friend with whom you can work on your goals together, or join a group of people pursuing the same goals. In my facebook group Walk to Your Natural Weight, you can meet ladies who, like you, want to incorporate my 15,000 step method into their lives.

Working together not only provides support, but it can also hold you accountable. If you know that someone else is counting on you, you may be more inclined to persevere even when you are in danger of losing heart yourself. Although the first person you do it for is always yourself. That other person should not become a new excuse for not doing it….

  1. Enlist the help of a coach or professional

Sometimes it is wise to enlist outside help. A coach or professional can help you achieve your goals faster and more focused by providing you with a customized plan and guiding you through the difficult moments.

A good coach has the knowledge and experience to know what works and what doesn’t. I can help you avoid pitfalls, motivate you when you need it most and keep you on the right path. In my practice, I use Quantum Human Designä as a guide to finding yourself again, and that naturally gives you the strength to take back yourself first. Not only does this save you time, but it can also keep you motivated because you notice that you are actually making progress.

  1. Reflect on your progress and celebrate your Success

Take time to reflect on your progress. Maybe you didn’t immediately lose the weight you wanted, but you feel more energetic, sleep better, your skin looks fresher or you’re less stressed. These are all signs that you are on the right track. Just lowering your stress level can eventually help you suddenly lose pounds on your own.

Celebrating these small successes is crucial. Give yourself the recognition you deserve for the efforts you have made. Celebrating your successes, no matter how small, will keep you motivated to keep going.

  1. Stay flexible and open to adjustments

You may find halfway through your journey that a particular method doesn’t work for you. Or you find that running is not for you and you opt for walking… That’s okay. Stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your plan as needed. By the way: those who use my method for walking very often lose weight faster than runners and make it a daily habit instead of occasional es running. I am amazed at the results every time.

Sometimes this means revising your goals, adjusting your approach, or taking a different route to achieve your goals. Staying flexible will increase your chances of success and keep you motivated to keep going even when things don’t go quite as planned. But the latter is part of life … and then trust in the power of God (some call Him the Higher Power because the word God is difficult for them)

  1. Trust yourself and continue to believe and love yourself

So to answer the question: how do I stay motivated to maintain my healthy lifestyle if I don’t see immediate results?The most important thing is to keep believing in yourself and loving yourself. Trust that you are able to achieve your goals even when the path is difficult. Believe in your own strength, the strength of God and in the process, even when things are tough.

The path to a healthy lifestyle is not always easy, but it is worth it because you are worth it. By staying patient, consistent and determined, you will eventually reap the rewards of your hard work. Keep believing in yourself, stay focused, and before you know it, you’ll see the results you’ve worked so hard for. Although my method is not that difficult, mind you….

My name is Lies Helsloot, Transformation mentor, Quantum Human Design Specialist™ and founder of the  TAKE YOU TIME™ Method. I am the author of 3 books (“Walk Yourself Slim & Happy. How taking More Steps can Change Your Life”, “Move yourself slim and happy”(English translation coming soon) and “The Complete Guide to healthy Hair“), I blog here at and coach individual clients, groups and companies around the world to live a happy, healthy life and more work-life balance with my 7-step concept of self-care called TAKE YOU TIME™. For more motivation and free training and challenges, be sure to sign up for the newsletter on this site and follow me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Or get in touch to know about my online- and coaching programs.

Some of the content on my website is sponsored content but I only promote products and services that I truly trust and use for myself, my family or my clients.


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