Using dry oil for hair care – Product Review Cîme

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Using dry oil for everyday hair care

Dry oil is a wonderful way to protect your hair on a daily basis against dryness, fly-away ends, frizzy hair, dry air and the sun. A lot of people are afraid to use it since they think it will make their hair look greasy. However if you use a good quality brand and if you know how to make the best use of dry oil it is a fantastic ally to get and keep a healthy head of shiny hair. I have used many different products over the years and amongst my favourites are the dry oils from Nuxe and Caudalie. It wasn’t until last year that I also discovered a Belgian brand called Cîme, which created a wonderful line of all natural skincare products. And they also added a dry oil to their range called the Cîme Beautifying Dry Oil. In this video I show how I like to use this particular product in my skin and hair routine. If you want to check out the brand you can visit their website

In the video I also explain how combining the use of dry oil with a high quality natural hairbrush is the perfect combination to make the best of both worlds. To check out more about Delphin & Emerence go the website here.

If you have any comments on my tutorial then I welcome your comments!


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