Chia Pudding with papaya mousse for great hair!

chia papaya

Chia pudding with papaya mousse: hair boosting recipe!


Ingredients for 2 portions

20 grams of chia seeds

125 ml coconutmilk

A pinch of fresh vanilla seeds or natural vanilla powder

1 tablespoon of maple syrup or coconut flower sugar (more if you like that)

2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice

1 cup of fresh papaya peeled and cubed

(if you prefer mango, that is a great and tasty option as well!)


How to make it.

Soak the chia seeds in the coconut milk, maple syrup and vanilla. Stir a couple of times in the first 15 minutes to get a smooth mixture. Store away in the fridge.

Just before serving: blend the papaya (or mango) with a mixer or in a blender and add the lemon or lime juice.

Grab two cute glass bowls and divide both mixtures in layers.

Great as dessert, snack or as a healthy breakfast choice.


Healthy hair boosting benefits:

  • Papaya (or mango) is a fruit rich in beta-carotenoids that help your body produce vitamin A, which promotes the production of sebum in the glands on your skin and scalp to nourish both skin and your hair. If you then brush your hair with a natural hairbrush (like from Delphin & Emerence) you’ll spread that natural, homemade conditioner all over the hair lengths. Healthy and shiny hair as a result!
  • Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 and help to diminish inflammation in your body and scalp, which can cause hair loss, and they nourish your hair from the inside out.

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