Dandruff…how to treat.
Very annoying when you are dealing with it: dandruff and flakes. Opposed to what people usually think, it has nothing to do with a lack of hygiene and it is not a contagious “disease”. On the contrary …
3 tips to fix dry, brittle and shine lacking hair
Dull, brittle hair that lacks its natural shine that we all love so much. HELP! This is not what we want…
Hairloss and what might be causing it.
In this article I would like to go into the reasons behind hair loss. There are several possible causes of hair loss: hormonal fluctuations, stress, immune …
Horsetail for hairgrowth
Horsetail, or… This mineral is known to strengthen your bones, as well as your nails and hair. Horsetail is…
5 reasons to invest in a quality hairbrush
Everyone who has been following my “hair journey” knows that I am very passionate about hair and the importance of brushing.But I get so many questions about WHY THE HELL MY BRUSHES ARE SO EXPENSIVE. So that is the reason I decided to write this article.
The benefits of coconut oil for your hair.
Coconut oil has become very popular over the last couple of years. Not only in the kitchen where it is being used as a healthier alternative for deep-frying, baking and as a butter-sustitute., but also for natural body and hair care. This oil
The importance of a good hairdresser.
If you have ever had a bad haircut or colour, you probably already know that a good hairdresser is …
Anti-Oxidants for your hair
Just like antioxidants in food help you to boost your immune system, slow the ageing process and maintain fresh and wrinkle free skin, they also support the growth of healthy hair. Our bodies…
Go easy on sugar!
Everytime we enjoy a sugary snack or food containing added sugars, we set in motion a process that binds sugar molecules to the proteins in our skin and scalp. This process reduces
Healthy fats and your hair
Nourishing your hair with an oil treatment is a real treat to keep your manes strong and shiny, but did you know that eating healthy fats is also very important? Especially
Mr. Sandman bring me a dream: 7 tips for better sleep
In another article I talked about the fact that not getting enough quality sleep can wreak havoc on your skin and hair. But how can you easily drift a sleep?
Tapping for healthy hair
EFT, or ‘tapping’ as it is more commonly known, is a powerful technique that anyone can do to relieve the body and mind of stress. Stress as we’ve discovered is
How to brush your hair
EFT, or ‘tapping’ as it is more commonly known, is a powerful technique that anyone can do to relieve the body and mind of stress. Stress as we’ve discovered is
Interview with Dr. Veronica Anderson
What your hair is telling you about you health and what to do with it. Lies Helsloot was being interviewed by Dr. Veronica Anderson on this topic …
Get your zzzzz’s for healthy hair
Not sleeping enough or struggling with sleep problems has a negative effect on your overall health and also on your hair. When you …
Healthy hair snacks on-the-go
You probably already know that nuts and seeds are a good source of hair supporting vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. But sometimes …
Thyroid imbalance and hair loss
When the production of these hormones is out of balance, you start noticing that by the following symptoms…
Color me bad, color me beautiful
Is colouring your hair bad for you? Well, yes and no. Colouring every now and then to freshen up your own colour or…
Get out of the Valentine stress
When we talk about love it is important that we really understand, really ‘grasp’ the meaning of love. For me …
Hair loss
After giving birth to my daughter, I started loosing my hair. I noticed that it was more then normal when I brushed or washed my hair. But when is hair loss abnormal? On average you…